Yukon Nominee Program

  1. Yukon EE entry Stream
  2. Yukon Skilled Workers PNP
  • Skilled worker Program
  • Critical Impact Worker Program

Employer eligibility

  • Be a permanent resident of Canada;
  • Have been operating in Yukon as:
    • Registered Yukon business with an office in Yukon on a full-time basis for at least 1 year before you apply to the program;
  • Current and valid required licenses;
  • Not be operating any of the following types of businesses:
    • bed and breakfasts of less than 10 rooms
    • hobby farms
    • home-based businesses or distribution operations
    • taxi-cab companies
    • businesses owned and operated by active Yukon Business Nominees
    • passive investments
    • business consultation and personal services
    • real estate
    • holdings companies

Foreign worker eligibility

For the Skilled Worker or Critical Impact Worker programs:

  • A valid Temporary Work Permit (TWP) or student visa, not be a refugee claimant, visitor or be under implied status;
  • A guaranteed job offer in Yukon that meets the economic and other criteria for nomination;
  • Proof of qualifying work experience:
    • Critical Impact Worker Program. You need at least 6 months of full-time relevant work experience over the 10-year period before the date of your Yukon Nominee Program application; or
    • Skilled Worker Program. You need at least 12-months full-time relevant work experience over the 10-year period before the date of your Yukon Nominee Program application.
  • Language requirements for the skill level of the position. NOC 0,A,B: CLB 5; NOC C,D: CLB 4
  • Intend to live in Yukon



Yukon Business Owners PNP

  • Personal eligibility
  • Achieve a score of at least 65 points on the assessment grid.
  • High school
  • At least 3 years of entrepreneurial or business management experience;
  • At least 5 years work experience that is relevant to your business;
  • Never been denied immigration by the Government of Canada;
  • No active applications for any other provincial or territorial nominee program;
  • A net worth of at least $500,000 CAD.
  • A minimum of $300,000 in liquid assets.
  • Intend to permanently live in Yukon;
  • Live in Yukon with dependents, if applicable, while managing and investing in your own business in Yukon. And hold a position within your business of National Occupational Classification (NOC) 0 or A.
  • Have not yet purchased or started your business in Yukon at the time of your application to the program.
  • Invest at least $300,000 in capital investments for the business in the first 2 years.
  • Business eligibility
  • A new business or a purchase of an existing Yukon business managed by you
  • Not be a passive investment
  • Belong to any 1 of the following strategic sectors:
    • Information technology
    • Manufacturing
    • Value-added processing
    • Forestry
    • Tourism products, attractions, services and facilities
    • Energy
    • Mining or mineral development
    • Agriculture
    • Cultural industries
    • Film and video production

Ineligible sectors and activities:

  • Passive investments
  • Retail, wholesale operations, distribution operations
  • Restaurants
  • Financial services
  • Business, consultation and personal services
  • Most professional services
  • Real estate
  • Holding companies
  • Gas stations