Express Entry – Federal Immigration Option

Express Entry is a federal immigration selection program that enables skilled professionals to apply for Permanent Residency through a point-based system.  The program is facilitated through an online system operated by the IRCIC (formerly CIC).

Selection factor point grid ( is used to assess eligibility to submit a profile to the Express Entry pool, the current pass mark is 67 points.

The program has minimum requirements for:

  • Skilled work experience
  • Language ability
  • Education

Applicant must meet all the minimum requirements to be eligible.

Selection factors

If applicant meet all the minimum requirements, your application will be assessed based on:

  • age
  • education
  • work experience
  • whether you have a valid job offer
  • English and/or French language skills
  • adaptability

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) Criteria

If applicant sources higher than 67 in Selection factor point grid, applicant can submit a profile to the Express Entry pool. Application will be assessed under Comprehensive Ranking System (

The points applicant gets from the CRS include a core set of points up to 600 and a set of additional points of up to 600. The total score will be out of 1,200.

Core: Up to 600 points

  • Skills and experience factors
  • Spouse or common-law partner factors, such as their language skills and education
  • Skills transferability, including education and work experience

Additional: Up to 600 points

  • Canadian degrees, diplomas or certificates
  • a valid job offer
  • a nomination from a province or territory
  • a brother or sister living in Canada who is a citizen or permanent resident
  • strong French language skills