Manitoba Business Immigration Programs

Manitoba Business Immigration Programs includes:

  • The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program for Business (MPNPB)
  • Farm Strategic Recruitment Initiative

1. Entrepreneur Pathway – Business Investor Stream

Designed for business people who have the intent and ability to move and invest in Manitoba.


1) Business Experience:

  • Three years of full time experience as an active business owner OR as a senior manager in a successful business

Business owners gain higher points than manager;

Business owners must have at least 1/3 of ownership.

2) Language: CLB 5

3) Education: Canadian high school or equivalent

4) Age: no limit. (25-49 prefered)

5) Investment: ($200,000 more to get the points)

  • Minimum $250,000 in Winnipeg region
  • Minimum $150,000 outside Winnipeg
  • Eligible business as defined by MPNP
  • A job for PR or citizen at least

6) Business Research Visit:

  • Business Plan

7) Adaptability: (more points if applicable)

  • Spouse has CLB/NCLC 5 or higher
  • Second Official Language CLB/NCLC 5 or higher
  • Close relative in Manitoba for more than one year
  • Your child is enrolled in an accredited Manitoba educational institution and actively study
  • You or your spouse or common-law partner has completed at least one-year full-time post-secondary program in Manitoba
  • You, your spouse or common-law partner has completed at least six months of continuous full time employment in Manitoba. A letter of reference from the employer and a copy of the work permit must be provided.

8) Net Worth: Minimum of $500,000 (the more money, the more points)

9) Business Performance Agreement.


2. Farm Investor Pathway – Business Investor Stream

Designed for individuals with proven farm business experience, sufficient available capital to invest, and who intend to establish and operate a farm operation in rural Manitoba.


1) Farm Business Experience: Minimum of 3 years

2) Language: No. (need to attend an interview by using French or English)

3) Farm Business Investment:

  • $300,000 at least
  • Not for passive investment

4) Farm Business Research Visit: Needed

5) Farm Business Activities:

  • Live, manage and conduct the farm business.
  • In rural Manitoba

6) Economic Establishment Adaptability:

  • Farming skills, technical knowledge.

7) Net Worth: $ 500,000